Ready on Day One. Some parts sold separately. Bill not included.
Yours for $24.95. No, I am not making this up.
chres·tom·a·thy (kr-stm-th) n. pl. chres·tom·a·thies 1. A selection of literary passages, usually by one author. 2. An anthology used in studying a language. 3. Another damn stupid liberal blog
gah. i admittedly do not like the woman, but when the best that people can do is express their sense of inadequacy by impugning another's dignity....
well, i suppose we should support their freedom of expression, but when i see this kind of crap, my gut response is, "Sorry about the size of your penises, dudes".
yes, even though Mann Coulter is apparently their next target.
Don't be too offended. Election jokes like this go back more than two hundred years. Remember, Democrats created Huckabee Girl.
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