Why do baby boomer aged female psychologists always wear shoes that look like this?
Any ideas?
chres·tom·a·thy (kr-stm-th) n. pl. chres·tom·a·thies 1. A selection of literary passages, usually by one author. 2. An anthology used in studying a language. 3. Another damn stupid liberal blog
I'll take comfort for a thousand, Alex.
(but really? I swear the only person I know who owns and wears shoes like that is my sister-in-law Mary. Love her, but those shoes coupled with a flowy denim dress? Totally Temple Adult Sunday School garb. Ick.)
Yes, definitely, comfort.
My primary care doc wears them too! I think her brand is Drew. They're orthopedic! (Yes, she's my age, early 50's).
Hi Kevin-
An "APRN' I worked with always wore those exact shoes. She also wore layers of clothing with fringe and fun socks and large jewelery and long gray hair in a bun and she spoke of love and kindness and she was fascinating and wonderful and odd and eccentric and I love her spirit. The shoes? Simply 'complete her outfits'. :-)
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