Monday, March 22, 2010

My Thoughts on the Day After


Gail said...

I found it ironic that the day the health care reform passed we received notice that our co-pays are increasing effective April 1st.

nd in regards to the ineffectiveness of Medicaid? It is a major form of eugenics, in my opinion.

I will look forward to more of your overviews of such maters.

Love to you

Anonymous said...

But Kevin, m'dear, you'll now have to buy health insurance. Doesn't this put a wrinkle in things?

I hate the mandate. I think that's ever so wrong. I want real universal health care, and this isn't it.

Comrade Kevin said...

Hi Tracie,

Well, yes, I will but under the plan I'll be given a subsidy by the government to be able to afford the cost. I think most, if not all of it will be covered by it.

And yes, this isn't universal care, but perhaps this is where universal care starts.