And to think some young women scour these sites for "diet tips". News like this infuriates me, especially since I have a sister and a very good friend who have both struggled with eating disorders. This kind of dysfunction needs a treatment, not a enabler masquerading as a support group. Again, I am reminded of how this culture's singular obsession with body image and perfection creates major problems like these.
Hi Kevin-
I so agree with the "wrong-wrong-wrong", body image cross. I, being a proud woman of fuller figure could care less. At the risk of sounding like I am "all that", I really like myself. When I look in a mirror I say, "Hey, not bad girl,not bad at all" I clean up well! I still can turn a head or two. Hah!!
I always recall an old comedian - Totie Fields. She was quite large and had a big face too. But when she walked in to a room with confidence, and stature, and her head held high, she commanded the room and was revered for her mere presence. She defied every societal norm about 'body image' with class and ease.
You have a very interesting mix here today.
On the body image thing, its been something I've written about in the past. I noticed that the media has been driving this neurosis for many decades. And Barbie. Let's not forget what barbie looks like. Her proportions are preposterous and impossible for any human to achieve, but she is a little girls first introduction to what women are supposed to look like. Metal should be prosecuted for this crime against women, and parents should be ashamed for giving barbies to their daughters.
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