Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Big Picture

We really do live in an interdependent world where we are being manipulated even now. The key is discerning who is pulling the strings, for what purpose, and to what end.

Whether in the media, on the blogosphere, in a spiritual gathering, or on the soapbox, we are all proclaiming our version of the truth. Truth is not easily defined and true reality is not often easy to discern. Indeed, we all have a bias and those who are better at semantical intercourse often win over those not nearly as skilled at such things. That is the hierarchical nature of humanity, whether we like it or not.

We all have ulterior motives based on selfish gratification first. But if we can channel this selfishness for good, then we are nurturing not just ourselves, but our fellow person. Altruism and taking the high ground has its own risks, certainly, but as a defensive and an offensive strategy, it contains much merit. Yet, every person who represents something and represents it passionately is bound to be misunderstood by some, feared by some, despised by some, and decried by some. Such is the nature of the human condition.

We are born with our own talents and the true quality of these talents is all in the eye of the beholder.

We can make our diaries about whether Clinton supporters are getting fair attention. We can spin and distort and stand facts on their head until we aren't quite sure what we believe in the end, after all. We can have petty arguments about silly trivialities that only pull us apart when right now we desperately need unity. We can have three hours worth of peace for twenty-one hours that follow where red herrings are planted and we argue about straw men and who shot who. We can split hairs and give voice to deep-seeded bias.

We can do that.

I know that if we don't confront our challenges head on, with compassion and love and dignity, then we'll be having these same conversations tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that.

As I said, we can do that. We can indulge in these distractions.

But if we do that, then NOTHING will change.

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