Unlike Dr. Zaius, I speak solid American real good and thus refuse to resort to using the language of those wussy French socialists.
Rules of the Meme
1. List seven random things about yourself that people may not know.
2. Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.
3. Post the rules on your blog.
4. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I'm a participator, but not a tagger. Participate if you like!
1. I have an insatiable attraction towards intelligent, redheaded women. Even when they say silly things that we were all secretly thinking anyway.

Or things we wish more people would say
Being English/Irish is a big plus.
2. I love film, but particularly silent film.
Does this picture look rather familiar? Oh, it's Olive Thomas. A silent movie actress. Originally born Oliveretta Elaine Duffy, one of many children of a tight-knit Irish family.

3. Here's why I didn't like high school. This is my actual high school's gym.

4. As a child, I played on the same basketball team as Deidre Downs, Miss America 2005

She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in history and is now in med school.
Are we sensing a theme here?
5. In graduate school, I had classes with this lady.

6. I would sooner be caught dead than to listen to anything she has recorded, or go to her concerts, or pay her anything more than cursory attention. For lots of reasons.

7. This was my bit for International Women's Day. It's a bit belated, but I wanted to contribute. :)

The last picture posted without comment.
I wondered who the heck your avatar was...
no further comment needed.
This begs the question, what if Barbara Steisand was British, had red hair and acted in silent films?
Dr. Z,
NOOOOO! You're exploding my paradigm.
Red hair, Irish . . . you left out milky complexion.
And yes, intelligent women are very, very desirable.
If she can't discuss Hemingway and Van Gogh, it probably won't work.
btw - I'm way jealous that you know blue gal.
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