Monday, March 31, 2008
The Real Author of To Kill a Mockingbird
When you get right down to it, what is popular is not always right. And what is right is not always popular. - Anonymous
From reading To Kill A Mockingbird, which is my mother's favourite book, this is the lesson I learned above all.
Ms. Lee's book is so smartly written that I find it difficult to believe that Truman Capote could have possibly written it. Lee's style and Capote's style, while similar, were very different. And I can also understand how Ms. Lee found it rather offensive to think she was merely Capote's surrogate and secondary to his shining talent.
But Capote is a classic example of Icarus. He flew too high. Like in the tale of Greek mythology, his waxen wings melted in the sun, the ordeal,and the trial he faced in writing In Cold Blood ultimately ruined him. This was especially evident in the movie Capote. Indeed, looking at his later works, you see a man who was both destroyed by his greatness and whose zealous crusade to unearth the truth left him little more than a chariacture of his former self. After writing his magnum opus, Capote was good for a few half-hearted pieces in magazines, the talk show circuit, and was probably the best known openly homosexual male in the world for many years. But by the end, he was arguably little more than a joke.
As he himself pointed out, "we all know that a fag is just a homosexual gentleman who has just left the room".
As Oscar Wilde said, rather pointedly, "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars".
At what price, greatness?
As the film Twenty-Four Hour Party People, released in the UK back in the mid-90s, when I was last across the pond points out (and I'm paraphrasing), echoing what I have said,
It's like Icarus. It works on two levels. If you get the first one, then that's great. But if you get the second, well, you should probably read more.
Meanwhile, Harper Lee wrote one book, a masterpiece, and is remembered all around the world, but particularly in the American south as a champion of women's rights, civil rights, and for making a stand against all odds. Sometimes the best artists are those who release one masterpiece and step away from the table, take their winnings, collect their chips, and go home.
If one contemplates other artists, there are those who stay too long and tarnish their former greatness by their later mediocrity. The Beatles broke up when they were at their apex of success, thus preserving their legacy of greatness forever. Their solo careers proved that they were a band in the very truest form of the phrase. They were four guys, as John Lennon said, who made it very very big. But they also had enough sense to know when to call it quits and be remembered by the brilliance they as a group accomplished together, not individually the pathetic burning embers of how they used to be.
That is the challenge that faces every artist. Sell out, or stay pure. Stay with your heart, or sell out for riches. And how difficult it is, my children, for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.
Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.
If we want to have an argument about who shot who, or who said this, where, and when and who and how, we can do that.
If we want to split hairs or kill mockingbirds, we can do that, if we so desire.
We can do that.
But if we do.
And we'll be having the same discussion next year, and the next year, and the next year, and the next year.
As I have mentioned before, brothers and sisters, the Kingdom of God is within you. You are your own salvation, but salvation goes beyond what we can prove factually. There is an element of mystery present in our daily lives and those of us who want to be Doubting Thomas will always inquire for the nail marks in the hands or the place where the Roman spear pierced Jesus's side.
We can do that.
But if we do.
There is a world beyond us. I do believe there is a God above. I do believe that there is something beyond who we are.
Everything happens for a reason. Call it Providence, call it what you will. I may have risen from the ashes like the Phoenix, but I know that the people will live on, as Carl Sandburg put it. I know that Atticus Finch in all his many incarnations will live on. There will be good people who cannot be bought and sold like chattle.
But there will always be mockingbirds, too.
Let us cultivate our garden community. Let us strive to think communally for the greater good first, not for selfish whims first.
Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestierte.
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out
Martin Niemöller
An Update
I wanted to check in with all of you. I would have checked in sooner, but my primary computer was hacked into and the hard drive was effectively ruined, forcing me to take it to a store to get it restored.
Since I have come down from my manic state, I understand again how many of my comments made in times past on this blog and IRL could seem irrational, pandering for attention, suspect in veracity, proclaiming a less-than-secret ulterior motive, or merely a distraction from more important matter.
But the truth of the matter is this.
I am a sick person. I have bipolar and I have been in a manic state now for about a month. Those who have already admitted to having such things who dwell on this site know full well the powerful highs and the crashing lows. My bipolar is in a mixed state at the moment. Sometimes I feel powerful and in control, and sometimes, the course of the same day, I am thrown into crying fits so profound that all I can do is sob and weep.
I will not know until Wednesday my condition. I pray it is not HIV or Cancer, although of those two, colon/rectal cancer seems the most likely candidate. This may merely be an outbreak of HPV, which is, as many know, exaserbated by stress. Outbreaks flare up for a month, then subside. Medications can be taken to control it, but in a stressful time, a person is more contagious and thus outbreaks occur.
My life, as I'm sure you understand, has been rather stressful recently.
So I admit to being still very much on pins and needles.
It is possible I have none of the three illnesses mentioned, but I will continue to hope and pray for the best.
I thank you all for your concern and do know you are loved.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A Quick Note
Comrade Kevin has a lot on his plate right now.
Visiting other blogs is going to have to take a backseat to getting his own affairs and emotional/physical health in order.
I will blog every day, or at least attempt to, but visiting everyone's site in a timely fashion just ain't in the cards right now.
I'm so far behind, I won't even try to read up on a week's worth of 50 different blogs.
Know that I love you all. Know that I care for you all. And know that I am your friend, always.
With great affection,
Comrade Kevin.
Watch Out, The World's Behind You
Sunday morning, praise the dawning
Its just a restless feeling by my side
Early dawning, sunday morning
Its just the wasted years
so close behind
Watch out, the world's behind you
Theres always someone around
you who will call
It's nothing at all
Sunday morning and I'm falling
I've got a feeling
I don't want to know
Early dawning,
Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed,
not so long ago
Watch out, the world's behind you
Theres always someone
around you who will call
It's nothing at all
Watch out,
the world's behind you
There's always someone around
you who will call
It's nothing at all
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Find Out That Now Was the Answer to Answers That You Gave Later
She'll be there to wave to you
In the hope that
you'll forgive her
She will join you there.
Find out that now was the answer
to answers that you gave later
She did the things that we both did
before now and who forgave her?
Now you see how down you've fallen
Now you hear your conscience call
Thank yourself alone for not stalling
I'm not there to call
Call me a fool,
cause I need her and see her
but now you're gone
Something inside you
will tell you
I'm wise to what you're
spreading round.
If I could stand
to see her cryin'
I would tell her not to care
When she learns of all your lyin'
Will she join you there?
Find out that now was
the answer to answers
that you gave later.
There She Goes Again
There she goes again
She's out on the streets again
She's down on her knees, my friend
But you know she'll never ask you
please again
Now take a look,
there's no tears in her eyes
She won't take it from
just any guy, what can you do
You see her walkin' on
down the street
Look at all your friends
she's gonna meet
You better hit her
There she goes again
She's knocked out on her feet again
She's down on her knees, my friend
But you know she'll never
ask you please again
Now take a look,
there's no tears in her eyes
Like a bird, you know she would fly,
what can you do?
You see her walkin' on
down the street
Look at all your friends
that she's gonna meet
You better hit her
Now take a look, there's no tears in her eyes
Like a bird,
you know she will fly, fly, fly away
See her walking on down the street
Look at all your friends
that she's gonna meet
She's gonna bawl and shout
She's gonna work it
She's gonna work it out, bye bye
Bye bye baby
All right
Is That What We Want, Girls?
Let's stay in and we'll
Perfect our autographs
So when the people ask for them
We can oblige
Is that what we want, girls?
Not at all
Not at all
I must be losing track
If brown is the new black
But style's in denial
The models shall be hung
They're painted and they're dry
Pointed down the runway
Towards the sky
Just for fun
Let's go out tonight
And get our colours done
Oh when the seasons change
We'll look ridiculous
Is that what we want boys?
Not at all
Not at all
I'm certain that
summer's my season
So I can't take the
fall for that reason
It hurts my complexion
And I hate my reflection
You must remember this
KISS is still just KISS
Their style is denial
I'll meet you when we're older
Consider it a race
But who will be the one
To paint their face Ace?
Just for once
Let's come out tonight
Let's come out tonight
I wanted to use this occasion
For trying to test my foundation
It hurts my complexion
But I hate my reflection
Without it
Not at all
Not at all
Ooo, not at all
Though Your Confidence May Be Shattered, It Doesn't Matter
All the sailors
with their seasick mamas
Hear the sirens on the shore,
Singin' songs
for pimps with tailors
Who charge ten dollars
at the door.
You can really
learn a lot that way
It will change you
in the middle of the day.
Though your confidence
may be shattered,
It doesn't matter.
All the great explorers
Are now in granite laid,
Under white sheets
for the great unveiling
At the big parade.
You can really
learn a lot that way
It will change you
in the middle of the day.
Though your confidence
may be shattered,
It doesn't matter.
All the bushleague batters
Are left to die
on the diamond.
In the stands
the home crowd scatters
For the turnstiles,
For the turnstiles,
For the turnstiles.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I Guess You're Just What I Needed
I don't mind you coming here
and wasting all my time
'cause when you're standing
oh so near
I kind of lose my mind
It's not the perfume
that you wear
It's not the ribbons
in your hair
I don't mind you coming here
and wasting all my time.
I don't mind you hanging
and talking in your sleep
It doesn't matter where you been
as long as it was deep
I always knew
you look so fine,
see I can tell.
I don't mind you hanging out
and talking in your sleep
I guess you're just what
I needed
I needed someone to feed
I guess you're just what
I needed someone to please
so please me.
I Walk Down The Lane, With A Happy Refrain
Even though you
know what you know
I know that I'm ready to
am I making you feel like
you've never been born?
Saturday Video
Life is very short
and there's no time
for fussing and fighting
my friends.
I have always thought
that it's a crime
so I will ask you
once again.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Dear Sir or Madam, Have You Read My Book?
The son is working for the Daily Mail
It's a steady job
but he wants to be a
Paperback Writer.
Listen to my Bluebird Laugh
She can't tell you why.
Deep within her heart, you see,
She knows only crying.
Just crying.
There she sits, aloft at perch.
Strangest color blue.
Flying is forgotten now.
Thinks only of you.
Just you.
Oh yeah...
So, get all those blues,
Must be a thousand hues.
And be just differently used.
You just know.
You sit there mesmerized
By the depth of her eyes
That you can't categorize.
She got soul.
She got soul.
She got soul.
She got soul!
Do you think she loves you?
Do you think at all?
Soon she's going to fly away.
Sadness is her own.
Give herself a bath of tears
And go home, and go home.
Nowadays Kevin Can't Even Sing
all over my face?
Where's that silhouette
I'm trying to trace?
Who's putting sponge
in the bells I once rung
And taking my gypsy
before she's begun
To singing the meaning
of what's in my mind
Before I can take home
what's rightfully mine.
Joinin' and listenin'
and talkin' in rhymes
Stoppin' the feeling
to wait for the times.
Who's saying baby,
that don't mean a thing,
'Cause nowadays Clancy
can't even sing.
And who's all hung-up
on that happiness thing?
Who's trying to tune
all the bells that he rings?
And who's in the corner
and down on the floor
With pencil and paper
just counting the score?
And who's trying to act
like he's just in between?
The line isn't black,
if you know that it's green.
Don't bother looking,
you're too blind to see
Who's coming on
like he wanted to be.
Who's saying baby,
that don't mean a thing,
'Cause nowadays
Clancy can't even sing.
And who's coming home
on the old nine-to-five?
Who's got the feeling
that he came alive,
Though havin' it,
sharin' it
ain't quite the same
It ain't no gold nugget,
you can't lay a claim
Who's seeing eyes
through the crack
in the floor
There it is baby,
don't you worry no more
Who should be sleepin',
but is writing this song
Wishin' and a-hopin'
he weren't so damned wrong.
Who's saying baby,
that don't mean a thing,
'Cause nowadays Clancy
can't even sing.
On The Way Home
I held my breath
with my eyes closed
I went insane,
Like a smoke ring day
When the wind blows
Now I won't be back
till later on
If I do come back at all
But you know me,
and I miss you now.
In a strange game
I saw myself as you knew me
When the change came,
And you had a
Chance to see through me
Though the other side
is just the same
You can tell
my dream is real
Because I love you,
can you see me now?
Though we rush ahead
to save our time
We are only what we feel
And I love you,
can you feel it now?
All You Need is Cash
But how quickly peace becomes war when money changers are involved.
How quickly peace becomes war when greased palms and tables are turned.
How quickly peace becomes mocking attitudes.
It would be naive to suggest that all we need is love.
But sometimes all we need is cash, knowing that love and cash are very intertwined.
So if we put our rose-tinted glasses on, let us never forget that the world is what it is. We see it through whatever filter we wish. The world is a good place when we are feeling good. It is an awful place if we are feeling awful.
We are in charge of our own reality.
We can play head games forever. We can distract ourselves from the real issues.
We can do that.
But if we do that.
All you need is cash
and love.
All You Need Is Love
Author: John Lennon; Lead vocal: John Lennon
Love, Love, Love.
Love, Love, Love.
Love, Love, Love.
There's nothing you can
do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing
that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say
but you can learn how to play the game.
It's easy.
Nothing you can make
that can't be made.
No one you can save
that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but
you can learn how to be you in time.
It's easy.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
Nothing you can know
that isn't known.
Nothing you can see
that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that
isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
All you need is love (Paul: All together, now!)
All you need is love. (Everybody!)
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need (love is all you need).
Oh yeah!
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Or another
And the Joke Is, Banishment or Mockingbirds?
All you've found is another back door
That no one sees a reason for
At the heart of the traveling band
You have to understand
There's a driving need
to hit the yellow line
And the joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke fizz
And the joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke fizz
Hey you
You¹ve been around for a while
If you'll admit that you were wrong
Then we'll admit that we're right
Hey you
Come on along for the ride
We'll hit the money city
if it takes us all night
And the joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke fizz
And the joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke fizz
Hey you
You've been around for a while
If you'll admit that you were wrong
Then we'll admit that we're right
Take the heart of the traveling band
You'll never understand that
All they know is the bottom line, yeah
And the joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke fizz
And the joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke, yeah yeah yeah
Joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke, yeah yeah yeah
Joke is when he awoke his
Body was covered in coke fizz
She Said, You're Strange, But Don't Change
I dropped by
to pick up a reason
For the thought that I caught
that my head
is the event of the season
Why in crowds just a trace
of my face
could seem so pleasin'
I'll cop out to the change,
but a stranger
is putting the tease on.
I was down on a frown
when the messenger
brought me a letter
I was raised by the praise
of a fan
who said I upset her
Any girl in the world
could have easily
known me better
She said, You're strange,
but don't change,
and I let her.
In a while will the smile
on my face
turn to plaster?
Stick around while the clown
who is sick
does the trick of disaster
For the race of my head
and my face
is moving much faster
Is it strange I should change?
I don't know,
why don't you ask her?
A Personal Update
As I have only Medicaid, my primary care physician, whom I have seen for nearly ten years, understands that getting the quality of care I need will require him pulling strings to work within the system itself. Indeed, I could have gone to the local charity hospital, but as many of you may know, the quality of care at any non-profit hospital is less than sub-standard.
So let it be known that they are checking for several things.
Three big things.
1) HIV
2) Rectal Cancer
3) HPV/herpes
I do not necessarily have any of these three and I will not know until the results of the tests come back on Wednesday of next week. They are having to run some very expensive, and very involved tests to get to the bottom of what I have.
Needless to say, when I posted that I was dying, I was not speaking in ways that could seem exaggerated or hyperbolic. I understand mania has a tendency to produce grandiosity and such things, but I was really rather serious.
But if by dying I mean I have a chronic illness that will eventually, slowly, over time, kill me in the end, then that is what I mean.
I pray. I take care of myself. And I try not to let other people walk over me who do not understand and would use information against me.
Go in peace, all of you.
Amen.Right or Wrong?
As we spin and cycle into an increasingly toxic environment of who shot who, and what did he knows when he knew it, and what did she know when she knew it, and who Judas is, who was the betrayer, and drama of all sort, it would do us well to understand that we vote from our hearts first.
We vote with our conscience, supposedly, but many of vote based on selfish ulterior motives. We think, I'm a little guy here. I have my job, my family, maybe my kids, and really, when you boil it all down...I'm scared of losing what I've worked so hard to achieve for myself.
Those who would vote will vote out of fear because fear is such an easy thing to exploit in the human condition. We should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to negotiate.
But we must trust again. We must learn to have faith again. Not blind faith that is rooted in naive optimism, but real faith that we can accomplish together what we could never accomplish by ourselves. Out of one, we are many.
If we say, "forget about your house of cards, and I'll do mine", then that thinking from the inside outwards, rather than the outside inwards does not help matters whatsoever. That's a defensive response that does not move the dialog forward. We must learn to think communally with a common purpose, and not individually with a common set of ulterior motives.
We can make mistakes and we can deal with distracting matters.
As I said, we can do that.
But if we DO.
Then NOTHING will change.
Ten years ahead of time
or about one year behindSometimes it tends to get to me
Don't defy the handThat leads to the light
of renownIt's a battle that won't make
any soundEither you're with us
Or you're notSometimes lately
I just wanna be caughtRight or wrong
We're breaking their hearts againWonder what you're
waiting for?Right or wrong
We're breaking their hearts againThis one's for the girls
There's no particular one in the world
Until I got a glimpse of what could be
Was shocked by what I couldn't foreseeAnd in spite of the times
I never really wanna come outYou're always with me
when you're not
Lights are up
We're all gonna be caughtRight or wrong
You're breaking our hearts, againWonder what you're waiting for?
Right or wrong
You're breaking our heartsRight or wrong
We're breaking their hearts againRight or wrong?
Right or wrong?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
So You Think '21 is Going To Be A Good Year?

Got a feeling '21
Is going to be a good year,
Especially if you and me
See it in together.
So you think '21
Is going to be a good year?
It could be good for me and her,
But you and her - no, never!
I had no reason to be over optimistic,
But somehow, when you smiled
I could brave bad weather...
What about the boy?
What about the boy?
What about the boy?
He saw it all!
Mother & Father:
You didn't hear it.
You didn't see it.
You won't say nothing to no-one
Ever in your life.
You never heard it.
Oh, how absurd it all seems
Without any proof.
You didn't hear it.
You didn't see it.
You never heard it - not a word of it!
You won't say nothing to no-one,
Never tell a soul
What you know is the Truth.
Got a feeling '21
Is going to be a good year,
Especially if you and me
See it in together.
Got a feeling '21
Is going to be a good year,
Especially if you and me
See it in together.
I had no reason to be over-optimistic,
But somehow, when you smiled, I could brave bad weather...
What about the boy?...
When Lil's husband got demobbed, I said—
I didn't mince my words, I said to her myself, 140
Now Albert's coming back, make yourself a bit smart.
He'll want to know what you done with that money he gave you
To get yourself some teeth. He did, I was there.
You have them all out, Lil, and get a nice set, 145
He said, I swear, I can't bear to look at you.
And no more can't I, I said, and think of poor Albert,
He's been in the army four years, he wants a good time,
And if you don't give it him, there's others will, I said.
Oh is there, she said. Something o' that, I said. 150
Then I'll know who to thank, she said, and give me a straight look.
If you don't like it you can get on with it, I said.
Others can pick and choose if you can't.
But if Albert makes off, it won't be for lack of telling. 155
You ought to be ashamed, I said, to look so antique.
(And her only thirty-one.)
I can't help it, she said, pulling a long face,
It's them pills I took, to bring it off, she said.
(She's had five already, and nearly died of young George.) 160
The chemist said it would be alright, but I've never been the same.
You are a proper fool, I said.
Well, if Albert won't leave you alone, there it is, I said,
What you get married for if you don't want children?
Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a hot gammon,
And they asked me in to dinner, to get the beauty of it hot—
Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May. Goonight. 170
Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.
Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
Not Everyone
Here Comes the Sun?
Who LOVES the sun?
I'll Last A While
You can't conceive
of the pleasure in my smile.
You hold my hand,
rough up my hair,
It's lots of fun
to have you there.
God gave to you,
now, you give to me,
I'd like to know
what you learned.
The sky is blue
and so is the sea.
What is the color,
when black is burned?
What is the color?
You are a man, you understand.
You pick me up
and you lay me down again.
You make the rules,
you say what's fair,
It's lots of fun
to have you there.
God gave to you,
now, you give to me,
I'd like to know
what you learned.
The sky is blue
and so is the sea.
What is the color,
when black is burned?
What is the color?
I am a child, I'll last a while.
You can't conceive
of the pleasure in my smile.
Other People's They Have to Work
suitcase in my hand,
Jack is in his coat,
and Jane is her vest, and, me,
I'm in a rock'n'roll band. Huh!
Ridin' in a Stutz-Bearcat, Jim
Y'know, those were different times!
Oh, all the poet,
they studied rules of verse,
And the ladies,
they rolled their eyes.
Sweet Jane! Whoa!
Sweet Jane, oh-oh-a! Sweet Jane!
I'll tell you something,
Jack, he is a banker,
And Jane, she is a clerk.
Both of them save their monies, ha,
And when, when they come home from work!
Ooh! Sittin' down by the fire, oh!
The radio does play,
The classical music there, Jim.
"The March of the Wooden Soldiers".
All you protest kids.
You can hear Jack say, get ready, ah,
Sweet Jane! Come on baby now!
Sweet Jane! Oh-oh-a! Sweet Jane!
Some people, they
like to go out dancing,
And other peoples, they have to work.
Just watch me now!
And there's even
some evil mothers,
Well they're gonna tell you
that everything is just dirt.
Y'know that, women, never really faint,
And that villains
always blink their eyes, woo!
And that, y'know, children
are the only ones who blush!
And that, life is, just to die!
And, everyone who ever had a heart, oh,
That wouldn't turn around and break it.
And anyone who ever played a part, whoa,
And wouldn't turn around and hate it!
Sweet Jane! Whoa-oh-oh!
Sweet Jane! Sweet Jane. Sweet Jane.
Sweet Jane. Sweet Jane.
Heavenly wine and roses,
Seems to whisper to her when he smiles. ah,
Heavenly wine and roses,
Seems to whisper to her when he smiles. hey!
la-la-la-la-la-la, oh
Sweet Jane! Sweet Jane! Sweet Jane! Sweet Jane! Sweet Jane!
You're Asking Is It Good or Bad?
Stephanie says
that she wants to know
Why she's given half her life,
to people she hates now
Stephanie says when
answering the phone
What country shall I say
is calling from across the world?
But she's not afraid to die,
the people all call her Alaska
Between worlds so the
people ask her 'cause
it's all in her mind
It's all in her mind
Stephanie says that
she wants to know
Why it is though she's the door
She can't be the room
Stephanie says but doesn't
hang up the phone
What sea shell she is calling
from across the world
But she's not afraid to die,
the people all call her Alaska
Between worlds so the people ask her
'cause it's all in her mind
It's all in her mind
She asks you is it good or bad?
It's such an icy feeling
it's so cold in Alaska,
it's so cold in Alaska,
it's so cold in Alaska
The Final Word for Tonight
What This Comes Back To, Always
And that was in evidence today by when I returned from the doctor and I drove past the house where the abuse transpired. Though they have painted the house a much more uplifting lighter shade of green, the dark shadow of pure evil still lurks behind the walls and the bedrooms.
I'm going to hint at what happened to me very vaguely because this blog is increasingly a more and more public forum by which all can view this information and have done so over the past several months.
So I will very tenderly say this. The Hitler figure, the abuser, he is dead. And as much as I would like to believe in a hell, I do not, but if there is hell below, I hope he is in it.
And I was not the only one, either. The trauma of the past week has made me understand what happened exactly. I was forced, by a man, Mr. DeJohn, to have sex with his two boys, his daughter, his wife, and himself. He watched. He was the ringleader. He was rather like Charles Manson if you read about how he directed his orgies of broken and often sexually abused followers, many of which were women who had been sexually abused themselves.
Again, this blog is meant as my public face, but how quickly my public face and my private face are intertwined.
I will post more about this on Male Survivor, and if you are so inclined to read it, I'm sure you will. But it will be rather disturbing, because it is a very disturbing story.
Or a More Appropriate Rendition
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
But you don't really mean you want to kill a mockingbird, do you?
Some of you have died already. Some of you will already die.
I may or may not necessarily be killed by a Mockingbird or have killed Mockingbirds or have mocking behaviors.
All time will tell
is that everything is a lie.
I lost the fight
but won the war.
I'm So Happy, Cause Today I've Found my Friends (They're in my head?)
I'm so excited
I can't wait
to meet you there
and I don't care
I'm so horny
that's okay
your will was good
Your Goose Is Cooked, Your Reputation is Shot (So to Speak)
Wake up little Susie,
wake up, wake up little Susie,
wake up
We both fell sound asleep,
wake up little Susie and weep
The movie's over,
it's four o'clock and YOU'RE in trouble deep
Wake up little Susie,
wake up little Susie
Well, what're I'm gonna tell your mama,
what am I gonna tell your pop
What're you gonna tell your friends
when they say 'ooh la la'
Wake up little Susie, wake up little Susie
Well, I told your mama
that you'd be in by ten
Well, Susie baby,
looks like we goofed again
Wake up little Susie,
wake up little Susie,
you gotta go home
Wake up little Susie,
wake up, wake up little Susie, wake up
The movie wasn't so hot,
it didn't have much of a plot
We fell asleep,
your goose is cooked,
your reputation is shot
Blackbird Singing in the Dead of Night
Take these broken wings
and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting
for this moment to arise
Blackbird singing
in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes
and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting
for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light
of the dark black night
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light
of the dark black night
You were only waiting
for this moment to arise
You were only waiting
for this moment to arise
You Ain't the First and You Ain't the Last
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Uncle Bear Painted This
I told you why I changed my mind
I got bored by playing with time
I know you thought you had me nailed
But I've freed my head from your garden rails
Now it's a legal matter, baby
You got me on the run
It's a legal matter, baby
A legal matter from now on
My mind's lost in a household fog
Wedding gowns and catalogs
Kitchen furnishings and houses
Maternity clothes and baby's trousers
Now it's a legal matter, baby
Marryin's no fun
It's a legal matter, baby
A legal matter from now on
I told you why I changed my mind
I got bored by playing with time
I know you thought you had me nailed
Well, I've freed my head from your garden rails
Now it's a legal matter, baby
You got me on the run
It's a legal matter, baby
A legal matter from now on
Just want to keep doing
all the good things I do
And not work all day in an office
just to bring my money back to you
Sorry, baby
How Do You Sleep, Sister?
So Sgt. Pepper took you by surprise
You better see right
through that mother's eyes
Those freaks was right
when they said you was dead
The one mistake you made
was in your head
Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep
at night?
You live with straights
who tell you you was king
Jump when your mama
tell you anything
The only thing you done
was yesterday
And since you've gone
you're just another day
Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep at night?
Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep at night?
A pretty face may
last a year or two
But pretty soon they'll see
what you can do
The sound you make
is muzak to my ears
You must have learned something
in all those years
Oh how do you sleep?
Oh how do you sleep at night?
Too Many Hungry People Losing Weight
Too many reaching for a piece of cake.
Too many people pulled and pushed around,
Too many waiting for that lucky break.
That was your first mistake,
You took your lucky break
and broke it in two.
Now what can be done for you?
You broke it in two.
Too many people sharing party lines,
Too many people never sleeping late.
Too many people paying parking fines,
Too many hungry people losing weight.
That was your first mistake,
You took your lucky break and broke it in two.
Now what can be done for you?
You broke it in two.
Too many people preaching practices
Don't let them tell you what you wanna be.
Too many people holding back,
This is crazy and maybe it's not like me.
That was your last mistake,
I find my love awake and waiting to be.
Now what can be done for you?
She's waiting for me.
It's An Orientation of Being Fairness Based
This election cycle we are going through has fostered pettiness, major immaturity, and major attitudes that are, if nothing else, counter-productive to the general discourse. So let's not forget our sense of humor in the process.
But the thing is, brothers and sisters, we need to be making the pie higher, not smaller. We need to be making the pie smarter, not dumber. More seldom than not, the internets gives us exquisite conflict and wholesome violence. Is the highways of our internets organizations too few?
It's just an orientation of being fairness based here. We need to be asking ourselves. Is our children educated? Is our children learning? Tell them I have learned from things I may or may not have done.
The answer, as I have understood it, is simple. Children do learn.
And sometime expectations rise above that which is expected.
I think we are greatly misunderestimated as for our impacts in the broadest world, which is big. Impacts. That's an old Texas word, it means victory.
Brazil, that's a country. It's big.
When I find myself lapsing into the vernacular it can be very misconcerting. I myself was raised by a Bushonic parents.
Still, I believe the human being and the fish can co-exist peacefully. We are our brother's keeper. We are our sister's keeper.
For those who say "No, We Can't", I'd like to respond with my own eloquent statements that prove eloquent.
"No, YOU Won't".
I'm Set Free
Thom Yorke:
I've been set free and I've been bound
To the memories of yesterday's clouds
I've been set free and I've been bound
And now I'm set free, I'm set free
I'm set free to find a new illusion
I've been blinded but now I can see
What in the world has happened to me?
The prince of stories who walks right by me
And now I'm set free, I'm set free
I'm set free to find a new illusion
Thom Yorke:
I've been set free and I've been bound
Let me tell you people just what I've found
I saw my head laughing, rolling on the ground
And now I'm set free, I'm set free
I'm set free to find a new illusion
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Smoking Gun

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For All The Broken Hearted People, Living in the World of Greed
When I find myself
in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right
in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
For all the
broken hearted people
Living in the world of greed
There will be an answer
Let it be
For though they may
be parted there is
Still a chance
that they will see
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light
that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow
Let it be
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
There will be no sorrow
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be no sorrow
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
I'm a Clean Cut Kid, I've Been to College, Too
I pounded on a farmhouse
Lookin' for a place to stay.
I was mighty, mighty tired,
I had gone a long, long way.
I said, "Hey, hey, in there,
Is there anybody home?"
I was standin' on the steps
Feelin' most alone.
Well, out comes a farmer,
He must have thought
that I was nuts.
He immediately looked at me
And stuck a gun into my guts.
I fell down
To my bended knees,
Saying, "I dig farmers,
Don't shoot me, please!"
He cocked his rifle
And began to shout,
"Are You that travelin' salesman
That I have heard about."
I said, "No! No! No!
I'm a doctor and it's true,
I'm a clean-cut kid
And I been to college, too."
Then in comes his daughter
Whose name was Rita.
She looked like she stepped out of
La Dolce Vita.
I immediately tried to cool it
With her dad,
And told him what a
Nice, pretty farm he had.
He said, "What do doctors
Know about farms, pray tell?"
I said, "I was born
At the bottom of a wishing well."
Well, by the dirt 'neath my nails
I guess he knew I wouldn't lie.
"I guess you're tired,"
He said, kinda sly.
I said, "Yes, ten thousand miles
Today I drove."
He said, "I got a bed for you
Underneath the stove.
Just one condition
And you go to sleep right now,
That you don't touch my daughter
And in the morning, milk the cow."
I was sleepin' like a rat
When I heard something jerkin'.
There stood Rita
Lookin' just like Tony Perkins.
She said, "Would you like to take a shower?
I'll show you up to the door."
I said, "Oh, no! no!
I've been through this movie before."
I knew I had to split
But I didn't know how,
When she said,
"Would you like to take that shower, now?"
Well, I couldn't leave
Unless the old man chased me out,
'Cause I'd already promised
That I'd milk his cows.
I had to say something
To strike him very weird,
So I yelled out,
"I like Fidel Castro and his beard."
Rita looked offended
But she got out of the way,
As he came charging down the stairs
Sayin', "What's that I heard you say?"
I said, "I like Fidel Castro,
I think you heard me right,"
And ducked as he swung
At me with all his might.
Rita mumbled something
'Bout her mother on the hill,
As his fist hit the icebox,
He said he's going to kill me
If I don't get out the door
In two seconds flat,
"You aren't patriotic,
Rotten doctor Commie rat."
Well, he threw a Reader's Digest
At my head and I did run,
I did a somersault
As I seen him get his gun
And crashed through the window
At a hundred miles an hour,
And landed fully blast
In his garden flowers.
Rita said, "Come back!"
As he started to load
The sun was comin' up
And I was runnin' down the road.
Well, I don't figure I'll be back
There for a spell,
Even though Rita moved away
And got a job in a motel.
He still waits for me,
Constant, on the sly.
He wants to turn me in
To the F.B.I.
Me, I romp and stomp,
Thankful as I romp,
Without freedom of speech,
I might be in the swamp.
Better Days?
working hard to get my pay
A little time,
a little trouble,
a better day
I see no reason as for why
it cannot be
A little time,
a little trouble,
a better day
You bury your head in
the things you said, that's fine
But the days go by and
you know it's getting dark at nine
You give all you want,
but you take away what's mine
We can make it better, baby,
so much better all the time
Just a good boy
Looking hard to see my way
A little time, a little trouble, a better day
I see no reason as for why it cannot be
A little time, a little trouble, a better day
Well, you bury your head in the things
you said, that's fine
But the days go by and you know
it's getting dark at nine
You give all you want,
but you take away what's mine
We can make it better
Baby, so much better all the time
Just a good boy
Looking hard to see my way
A little time,
a little trouble,
better days.
If You Can, Tell Me How, Tell Me Why
Where did you go
when you were needed?
Was it someplace
I know where they care?
Cries in the rain
I'll learn to get by
without you for the pain in my heart
I'll be the one
we'll be together
I'll be the one
forever and ever
Look at me now,
am I the loser?
If you can't tell me how,
tell me why
But just the same
I'll learn to get by without you
for the pain in my heart
I'll be the one
we'll be together
I'll be the one
forever and ever and ever
Driver, Driver, Go Too Fast
Suitcase, suitcase
follow me 'round
bootlace tie me down
Money for fun
Golden crowns
Well it's all inside a game
we've been playing
for so long
Driver, driver go too fast
Miser, miser make it last
Pusher, pusher on the run
Well it's all inside a game
we been playing, so long
I'm sorry to be leaving
That's all I get to say
I'm sorry to be leaving today
Well I'm sorry to be leaving
That's all I get to say
I'm sorry to be leaving here today
Driver, driver go too fast
Miser, miser make it last
Pusher, pusher on the run
Well it's all inside a game
we've been playing so long
Fools have a way
of making me crazy.
Buy your freedom.
Have a way of making me
So we grow a little older
With another tale to tell
So we grow a little colder
With another tale to tell
Make you feel unhappy
Have a way of
making me crazy.
So we grow a little older
With another tale to tell
So we grow a little colder
With another tale to tell
Tuesday Afternoon
Tuesday afternoon,
I'm just beginning to see,
now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me,
chasing the clouds away.
Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near,
I've got to find out why?
Those gentle voices I hear,
explain it all with a sigh.
I'm looking at myself
reflections of my mind,
It's just the kind of day
to leave myself behind.
So gently swaying through
the fairyland of love,
If you'll just come with me
you'll see the beauty of
Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon.
Tuesday, afternoon,
I'm just beginning to see,
now I'm on my way.
It doesn't matter to me,
chasing the clouds away.
Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near,
I've got to find out why?
Those gentle voices I hear,
explain it all with a sigh.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Same Old Flame
I woke up with a fresh face
Another date in the U.K.
And everybody surrounds us
Living high on the tour bus
It's not that bad
The best we've had
I ate Italian in Germany
I spent my money on magazines
Tried to talk to me and my friends
But the phone wouldn't reach her
I burned down to the filter
Another day to wait
She should see my face
Are you gonna tell me soon
What the hell I'm supposed to do?
To make it feel alright
I've got more to say than you
But I'm not sure what that proves
Steppin' 'round the same old flame
It's not my fault I'm not to blame
Dancing 'round the same old flame
Had some trouble when I went south
You had to come down and bail me out
And that's the damage between us
When the storm blew me out of town
And when my feet finally hit the ground
I was miles away with no one around
Are you gonna tell me soon
What the hell I'm supposed to do
To make it feel alright?
I've got more to say than you
But I'm not sure what that proves
Steppin' 'round the same old flame
It's not my fault I'm not to blame
Dancing 'round the same old flame
It's a major cause of damage between us
It's a major cause of
Damage between us
Damage between us
Damage between us
Damage between us
Cigarettes that burn too fast
But the same old flame justs lasts
I've got more to say to you
But I'm afraid to follow through
Are you gonna tell me soon
What the hell I'm supposed to do
To make it feel alright
What About Your Sister, I often miss her
I'm not a fan
You held a dance in your basement
The mirror ball
The horse's stall
There was no arrangement
You're so thin
Where've you been?
I never got the chance to tell you
Yes or no
I let it go too long
Out and about with the Junior Panthers
And now I'm riding on the back
Looking over your shoulder
So you'll know I'm there
I forgot to signal right
Now I'm running the red light
What about your sister, I often miss her
But I see her more than you
Now I see you
I don't see you at all
In the mirror ball
The Darkest Hour Is Always Only Just Before the Dawn
It's been a long time comin'
It's goin' to be a Long Time Gone.
And it appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long
Time, yes, a long, long, long,
long time before the dawn.
Turn, turn any corner.
Hear, you must hear what the people say.
You know there's something
that's goin' on around here,
The surely, surely, surely
won't stand the light of day.
And it appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long
Time, yes, a long, long,
long, long time before the dawn.
Speak out,
you got to speak out against the madness,
You got to speak your mind,
If you dare.
But don't no don't now
try to get yourself elected
If you do you had better cut your hair.
`Cause it appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long,
Time, such a long long long long time before the dawn.
It's been a long time comin'
It's goin' to be a long time gone.
But you know,
The darkest hour is always
Always just before the dawn.
And it appears to be a long, appears to be a long,
Appears to be a long
Time before the dawn.
Blame It On Cain, Don't Blame It On Me
Once upon a time, I had a little money
government burglars took it along
before I could mail it to you
still you are the only one
now I can't let it slip away
so if the man with the ticker tape,
he tries to take it
well, this is what I'm gonna say
blame it on cain
don't blame it on me
oh-oh, oh, it's nobody's fault
but we need somebody to burn
Well, if I was a saint
with a silver cup
and the money got low
we could always heat it up
or trade it in
but then the radio to heaven
will be wired to your purse
and you can run down the waveband
coast-to-coast, hand in hand
bad to worse, curse for curse
don't be dissatisfied, so if you're not satisfied
I think I've lived a little too
long on the outskirts of town
I think I'm going insane
from talking
to myself for so long
oh, but I've never been accused
when they step on your face,
then wear that good-look grin
i gotta break out one weekend
before i do somebody in
but every single time
i feel a little stronger
they tell me it's a crime,
well, how much longer?
Blame it on cain,
oh-oh, oh, please don't blame it on me
it's nobody's fault
but it just seems to be his turn
It's Just a Part of Life
I have some news to share with all of you.
I am dying.
Some of you who know me in other incarnations know that I have bipolar. For the past three months, I have not been eating well. I have lost thirty pounds in three weeks time. I have been in the middle of a manic stage, which as some may understand well, is wonderful for your productivity, but often causes irreversible brain damage in the process. It feels like like the best roller coaster ride in the world, until you realize you can't get off the ride because someone has strapped you in and you cannot simply exit and walk away.
When I went to my doctor last Wednesday, he manipulated my medication in such a way as to bring me out of my manic state. But he also mentioned that, in his words, "this is unlike any manic episode I have ever seen."
In times such as these I think about my Christian faith and I particularly remember the verse in David's Psalms, and in the original King James'.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the
shadow of death
I will fear no evil
For thou art with me
Thy rod and thy staff
they comfort me
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies:
thou anointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house
of the Lord for ever.
I ask for your prayers, selfishly, for me. And selfishly, I hope to know something definite as to what is wrong with me from my doctors.
And I love you all.
The Queen of Hearts Is Always Your Best Bet
why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow
Don you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
Shell beat you if she's able
You know the queen of heats
is always your best bet
Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones
that you cant get
Desperado, oh, you ain't
gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger,
they're drivin you home
And freedom, oh freedom well,
that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walking through
this world all alone
Dont your feet get cold
in the winter time?
The sky wont snow
and the sun wont shine
Its hard to tell the night time
from the day
Youre losin' all
your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how
the feeling goes away?
Desperado, why don't
you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate
It may be rainin',
but there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you
before its too late
And Here's To You
And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know.
God bless you, please Mrs. Robinson.
Heaven holds a place for those who pray,
Hey, hey, hey
We'd like to know a little bit about you
about your for our files
We'd like to help
you learn to help yourself.
Look around you all you
see are sympathetic eyes,
Stroll around the grounds
until you feel at home.
And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know.
God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson.
Heaven holds a place for those who pray,
Hey, hey, hey
Hide in the hiding place
where no one ever goes.
Put it in your pantry
with your cupcakes.
It's a little secret
just the Robinsons' affair.
Most of all you've got
to hide it from the kids.
Koo-koo-ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know.
God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson.
Heaven holds a place for those who pray,
Hey, hey, hey
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon.
Going to the candidate's debate.
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Every way you look at it you lose.
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio,
Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson.
Joltin' Joe has left and gone away,
Hey hey hey.
Wonder How You Manage To Make Ends Meet?
Lady Madonna,
children at your feet.
Wonder how you manage
to make ends meet.
Who finds the money?
When you pay the rent?
Did you think that
money was heaven sent?
Friday night arrives
without a suitcase.
Sunday morning creep
in like a nun.
Monday's child has learned
to tie his bootlace.
See how they run.
Lady Madonna, baby at your breast.
Wonder how you manage
to feed the rest.
See how they run.
Lady Madonna, lying on the bed,
Listen to the music playing in your head.
Tuesday afternoon
is never ending.
Wednesday morning
papers didn't come.
Thursday night your
stockings needed mending.
See how they run.
Lady Madonna, children at your feet.
Wonder how you manage
to make ends meet.
But Know That You Are On Your Own
And I'm tellin' everyone I'm doin' fine without you
I hurt you but I helped you
You may think I've a lot of nerve
But I deserve some credit
Or at least an edit
Take out the part that breaks my heart
And makes me sound uncaring
If you eliminate the swearing
Then I could show my mother
That you can go from one chord to another
G will turn to D
You'll turn to me
And you'll say
You have done me wrong
I wrote these songs about it
She's aware it's all been done before
It's another song in this key
Yeah but this one's about me
That all the validity she needs
Her criticism's brutal
But I don't really mind
Yeah, she's put it out on vinyl
But it's pretty hard to find, but you'll hear
G will turn to D
You'll turn to me
And you'll say
You have done me wrong
I wrote these songs about it
I wish I'd never taught her how to play
I knew she'd get me I should have known
Now her hands are on the fretboard
In an unfamiliar way
And it's tellin' me
She's aware it's all been done before
It's another song in this key
Yeah but this one's about me
I may not wanna hear the words to
G when put with D
But if you take what you're shown
Learn on your own
Then everything you do
Belongs to you
But know that you are on your own
On your own
The Answer Lies Not In War, But In Peace
As if there is no other
So they burn their bridges but they couldn't
Care any less
Comes a time that catches up
They pay no matter, pack their bags
And take off to another place to start
From scratch
They never get attached
Growing up was wall-to-wall excitement
But I don't recall another who could
Understand at all
And I didn't try to find what I just had to fall
Fall out
It's alright, I've had it up to here with everyone
And so I'll say
That there's nothing left to make me want to stay
There are those who live their life
Afraid of consequences
So they learn to sit on fences
And they can't step on toes
My heart goes out to those
They're right under my nose
Growing up was pretty dull
I often times exaggerate
The ones I hate that I
Could never save
And I realize of course
That there will come a day
That I will say
That there's nothing left to make me want to stay
But I can never go away
That there's nothing left to make me want to stay
And I will never go away
And there's nothing left to make me want to stay
One Generation Got Old, One Generation Got SOLD
This deeply encourages me. Negotiating the landmines of daily life, as well as the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune is never an easy task. Our Kos world, our blogsophere world, and our real life often times provides equal challenges. And those of us who would dare to take on the lobbyists, the special interests, on behalf of the toilers everywhere, will be a threat to the status quo.
But we will answer their demands for a gold standard, by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor, this crown of thorns! You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!
The Revolution Will Be No Re-Run, brother. The Revolution will be live.
Look what's happening
out in the streets
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Hey I'm dancing down the streets
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Ain't it amazing all the people I meet?
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got soul
This generation got no destination to hold
Pick up the cry
Hey now it's time for you and me
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Come on now
we're marching to the sea
Got a revolution
Got to revolution
Who will take it from you?
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of America!