As I drive around, I often see stickers commemorating the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. As the above image suggests, may I propose that we commemorate instead the day, six years ago, where our current President was presented an urgent memo warning him that an Al-Qaeda attack was imminent.
I'd like to see this image turned into a bumper sticker, as it would certainly grace my back bumper.
Here's my take on the 11 September activities. I have no kooky Rosie O'Donnell style conspiracy theories, though I have pondered them. I don't believe this administration is competent enough to pull off a conspiracy of such magnitude, and that they have the ability to have brought down the Twin Towers by themselves. I don't ascribe to the belief that 11 September was an inside job.
However, I do believe that this administration was complicit in the attack. I believe that they deliberate ignored the threat, wanting their own unique Pearl Harbor. Maybe they didn't recognize just how virulent and involved the plot would be. My gut instinct is that they thought the carnage would be much less intense than it turned out to be. As it stands, 3,000 plus people lost their lives due to criminal negligence on the part of the Bush administration.
I will go to my grave believing this.

EDIT: I like Street Prophets far more than I do Daily Kos. Dear Kossites, there is such a thing as a sense of irony and many of you make me ashamed to be an American. You play into anti-American stereotypes such as ill-informed, stupid, placated by media, and utterly clueless. You remind me of people who think: Why read when you can just flip on the tube? May you develop a sense of critical thinking, else you play into the hands of the Right and the Anti-American sentiment currently brewing in Western Europe. This is my prayer. Amen.
Well said, sir.
And good luck on the matters of the heart.
I too feel that they let 9/11 happen, not knowing how bad it would be. I've never believed they actually caused it, because it targeted people they respect (big law firms, stock brokerages) and destroyed very valuable real estate.
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