homemade peanut butter muffins

deliberately out of focus

part three of three, taken by a shaky hand on an extremely cheap digital camera
Posting pictures of homemade food and posting it on one's personal blog is a deeply meaningful action in white culture.
It implies many things, particularly if the poster is male. It implies that the male who posted the food is in touch with his feminine side, and might or might not be gay. At minimum, the man is attempting to seem metro-sexual, although this term is dating quickly and largely falling out of favor in white culture.
It also implies that the poster is self-sufficient. This deeply symbolic gesture impresses potential female suitors, none of whom wish to date or be married to a traditional male who, circa 1954, expects to eat a home-cooked meal every night, or to have a subservient wife to produce pipe, slippers, and newspaper for him to read in front of the fire upon arrival home from work.
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