Twenty-seven years old old old. I have reached the point where birthdays are largely anti-climatic affairs that don't grant a person further societal rights. Perhaps I will get lower car insurance, though. That would be worth celebrating. And not by switching to GEICO.
I missed you all. I had every intention of attending Blue Gal's salon last night and even logged into Skype early, but then I got a horrific case of the brain zaps.
They are a side effect of a even larger phenomenon doctors call SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome.
Last week, my psychiatrist decided to taper me off of Effexor and put me on a MAOI inhibitor.
I have a three week washout period until I can start the new medications, because if I started them now, then I'd likely get serotonin syndrome.
I'm not feeling especially blogging-inclined at the moment.
This is how I feel right now: haunted, shirtless, and dangerously close to the monitor. I mean, sick.

I live with a chronic illness. Some days are good, some days are bad. I've just learned to delight in the good days and fight through the bad ones. What else can you do? *shrugs* Giving up isn't much of an option. I could throw my hands up in despair and to be honest, I sometimes do feel rather powerless and throw my own private pity parties, but I do what I can every day.
I just hope I don't come across as pandering for sympathy or bitching. This is my life. This is my cross to bear. Tomorrow is another, hopefully better day.
We did miss you last night at the Salon and your Jewish Porn did come up (pun intended). Anyway, hope the new meds help you out.
By the way, Happy Birthday. All the good ones are this week. I was on Sunday, you are tomorrow and Monkey Muck was Saturday.
CK, I was wondering where you were. Boxer is right- your Jew Porn was on the table.
Happy Birthday dear CK. My fellow Scorpio and blogfriend.
Please know I send you my every good thought and wish, not just for your birthday, but for every day.
And Boxer has a point... you, Boxer and Dr. Monkey. All the good mens was born within a week!
Firstly, Happy Birthday. I am way north of 27 myself, and I look back on those years fondly.
Secondly, you were greatly missed last night. It just is not a party without you.
Thirdly, take care of yourself. See the second paragraph for why I want you to.
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