Thursday, November 15, 2012

Health Update

The waiting game grows weary without much prompting. Other tests for thyroid antibodies are likely to follow, to establish whether or not an autoimmune disorder is to blame (very likely). I'm not getting what I need right now, so my energy level is extremely low. I feel very discouraged.

My goal was to be healthy by Thanksgiving, but that doesn't seem feasible now. I haven't been to the gym in a month and wonder when I'll be able to return. The body wants me to slow down, but I fight against that impulse as long as there is strength left.

That is to say, I've had to accept a slower pace for writing the book. Memoir usually runs around 200-225 pages. I'm nearly there. Even if I don't have the energy for writing new sections, I've been editing and embellishing previously written chapters. Some need considerable effort, others are more or less fine the way they are now. Be patient with me these next few weeks.

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