Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Everything Is Set in Motion (It Will Happen Anyway)

Performed with tongue firmly in cheek.

They're coming out with the movie version of my life
Based on the novel that shouldn't have been written either

I called them up and asked to meet the director
To see who would play me and he said,

"We talked about actors but thought instead
That playing yourself might lend some cred."

All this time I'm trying to halt the production
Apparently one day (long ago)
I gave them all my permission

If that's the case let's hammer some details
Remember I already told them once
I don't do nude scenes or my own stunts
This feature's a failure on all fronts

Just accept that these things are going to happen
Everything is set in motion
It will happen anyway

And on and on we argued...
After all that the thing was banned
To try and drum up the popular demand
Asked the director, "Where do I stand?"

Just accept that these things are going to happen
Everything is set in motion
It will happen anyway

Just accept that these things are going to happen
Everything is set in motion
It will happen anyway

Just accept that these things are going to happen
Everything is set in motion

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