Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Simple Message of Joy and Thanksgiving

My apologies for not posting much in the past couple days. The gathering was intense and exhausting, and a non-stop 22 hour drive back was even more so. Give me a bit more time to heal.

Enclosed is a message I sent to all Friends in my Monthly Meeting here in DC.



Dear Friends,

From Friday of last week until Monday I was in Wichita, Kansas, attending the Young Adult Friends 2010 gathering. While there I was one of roughly 80 YAFs who hailed from almost every Yearly Meeting in the United States, and present also was a Friend from Canada who
represented Canadian Yearly Meeting. Also in attendance were Spanish-speaking Friends from Central and South America. Representatives from every branch of Quakerism were in attendance as well.

The diversity I saw deeply enriched my understanding of Quakerism. I learned the most from listening to the testimonies and stories of others. What has stayed with me most is the passion and devotion that all brought with them that enriched this gathering in ways difficult to express in words alone. A universality in thought and expression, regardless of our superficial differences, characterized that which I spoke, experienced, and heard.

I write to you for many reasons, but foremost I desire to share with you my joy. Worship services were intensely moving and powerful but so too was every other scheduled event. Though some minor friction was present at times, I am pleased to report that even momentary
periods of discomfort were met with a compelling desire to confront them and in so doing seek to heal what which was broken. We were not afraid to challenge ourselves and admit our own human limitations. We were not averse to be tender and vulnerable, knowing that if we did so that we could find the solution through our trust in the Spirit and its guidance.

Friends, my faith has been renewed, and I find myself at peace.

In love,


1 comment:

  1. Oh Kevin-

    this is wonderful to read about and feel. I think many (government) could learn from your gathering.

    Love Gail
    peace and hope
