Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Smartest Person I Know

consider this...

the smartest person I know
was worried that they don’t fit in

when everyone’s running this way
they’re always running that way.

the smartest person I know
was worried about their career

their work was once important
now it’s empty and redundant
and when they mentioned

something ‘bout a fifth wheel...

I told the smartest person I know

“big wheels turn real slow
when you finally get a bone to throw
there’s no dog around to catch it.”

“the trouble with you is you’re right
you’re awkward because you’re normal

you’re worthlessly over-qualified
and hopelessly hopeful.”

“the trouble with you is you’re right,
you’re the smartest person I know,
that’s why you feel like a fifth wheel...”

“the trouble with you is you’re right
isn’t that most inspiring?

really such a comfort
useful and encouraging.”

“the trouble with you is you’re right
and the smartest person you know

also probably feel like a fifth wheel...”

the smartest person I know
was worried about their lover

“we were both going this way
now we’re both going that way.”

the smartest person I know
asked if anybody else was sick of living

with the end just around the corner
under the boom that never comes.

and again they mentioned

something ‘bout a fifth wheel...

“the trouble with you is you’re right
you’ve got values so you’re immoral

you struggle ‘cause you work too hard
not cool ‘cause you’re too real.”

“the trouble with you is you’re right
like this other person I know who says

I’m the smartest person they know
and be glad that I feel like a fifth wheel...”

-Chris Butler


  1. I really liked that poem. I've never heard of this author. Is there a link or something to tell us more about him and his work?

  2. That's a great poem. Like Lib, I'm unfamiliar with the poet.

  3. Hi Kev-

    fascinating poem. Lots of inferences and thoughts to ponder. I rarely feel like a 'fifth wheel' so I guess that means I am not the smartest person anyone knows!! Huh.

    Love Gail
