Sunday, October 05, 2008

No Time for Blogging Today!

Lawn care must be performed! Tree branches must be pruned! Flower beds must be prepared for wintertime! Effort must be exerted!

More tomorrow.


  1. I remember once you said you like this time of year for new year because the weather isn't as hot. All that exertion could leave you in a sweat even if there's a nip in the air down South, so I hope somebody has chilled cider for you while you're preparing the earth for winter's rest.

    Enjoy a physical day.
    PS: This is real Tricia. I'm only PENolan on Menopausal Stoners - but no matter which one I am, you always make me smile.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM CDT

    Hope the day was productive!

  3. Hey Kevin-

    Oh yes, closing up, closing down for winter, personally? I love it - when the days are shorter and we can close out the world and create our own magic with fires burning,winter wine flowing and savory stews and soups and breads sending comfort in to the air and our stomachs.
    But tomorrow? we will be as you were - cutting back the gardens, putting away our statues and decorative stones and assorted memories that can't survive the winter. We will drink cold beer and eat sandwiches on the rocks that abound......we wont answer the phone or look at the TV, we will be part of nature's cycle, the season, and carefully anticipate a quiet reflective time of Winter, just waiting to surround us giving us every reason to stay close to home. Even though we don't even need one.

    P.S This is me writing following two glasses of some early Winter wine. :-)


  4. I keep putting off this chore. I used to love all the gardening I could work into any day. Now it's just a chore. Must be old age. Sitting on the cold hard ground doesn't help the aching body.
