Monday, April 28, 2008

Tired of Being On The Losing End

I support Barack Obama because I am sick and tired of being sold down the river by yet another milquetoast centrist. Since I was eighteen years old, I have cast my vote in line with my conscience and at the same time held my nose all the way to the polls. I am tired of having to support a milquetoast centrist like John Kerry or Al Gore. The pendulum is due to swing again and I wish to do my part to even out the political landscape.

Obama is not perfect, but he caters to the liberal base of the party. I am unabashedly and unapologetically leftist in my viewpoint and not content to vote for the lesser of two evils. I am not enthralled with the Democratic leadership and with Obama's rise I see the fulfillment of twenty-five years of dreams deferred.

I have seen this country under the control of a reactionary activist President. I am tired of having Republicans and conservatives dictate the political framework. At long last, it is our turn.

The current Democratic leadership does not excite or enthrall me. Why don't they make Democrats like they used to?

Why must I feel a sense of shame for being liberal?

We are still basking in the dead embers of the dreams and idealism of the 1960s, when being left-wing was fashionable. I acknowledge the mistakes made and the excesses, but I am not willing to be portrayed as some out-of-touch McGovern radical leftist, nor to have my candidate painted in the same tones.

Twenty-first century America evolves at a rapid clip, exacerbated by our technological advances. What would have taken six months now takes six days and the lightning quick tempo of today runs contrary to human comprehension. Our technology outstrips our ability to perceive the advances made in the name of progress and I for one find myself utterly overwhelmed with the reality of reality.


  1. Well said. This is why I support Obama as well. Clinton is more of the same old same old. I don't want to go backward.

  2. And, a belated welcome back as well!
