Thursday, March 13, 2008

Timing Is Everything

Now we have been thrown off message by a red herring in the form of the demise of another sleazeball politician, albeit one who wears the letter D after his name. My initial news at hearing this was, "Another politician in a sex scandal? So, what color was the sky today?"

This sort of debate is productive only if it confronts the hypocrisy of all people, particularly those in positions of power, leadership, and authority. Let this be a lesson to those men and women and let this also be a lesson to those of us who would vote for, have voted for, or will vote for these people now or in the future.

However, if it truly was planted to serve some greater agenda, this might be why. Elliot Spitzer served as the governor of what state? New York. Hillary Clinton serves as a senator representing what state? New York. Geraldine Fararro is a native of what state? New York. Coincidence or not? You make the call.

Hillary Clinton's surrogate Geraldine Ferarro made a stupid comment that Obama's team used to its own tactical advantage and they would have been fools not to do so. Regardless of whatever the WSJ and certain other media outlets would tell you, no one is playing the race card here. It is interesting to speculate how and why the MSM chose to break these two stories at more or less the same time. Motives are never easy to discern. When money, power, and personal gain come into play, combined with the media's insatiable lust to keep conflict and keep us all stirred up into a frenzy, it's tough to say what motive or motives, plural, they have.

But for whatever reason, the media used both of these firestorm issues to its own advantage, which is evident because we haven't been capable of talking about anything else for the last couple days.

I'm not proposing that either of these stories were broken at the time to either hurt or help Barack Obama and injure Hillary Clinton. Depending on how you spin it, you can make a case for Obama and for Clinton out of both of these situations. But what I am proposing is that it should be noted that those of us who enable people to make offensive statements by voting for them should examine ourselves before we cast our ballot for them. Those of us who enable people to engage in prostitution sex rings should examine ourselves before we cast our ballot for them.

Fox News, that old non-partisan bastion of balanced commentary is now taking the opportunity to trash Obama based on things his own minister may or may not have said. Let's not go there. We really don't want to stir this thing up any more than it already has. Let's get back on message and start doing some work to rebuild the party and America.

May I advise all of you out here that the MSM loves conflict, because humans love conflict. We all love to gossip and we all like to kick people when they're down because it gives us a smug sense of satisfaction in doing so. My approach, and I speak only for myself, is to see all of these events, particularly in tandem, as quite tragic. They are tragic and they are also rather ridiculous. Laugh at them, if you can help it. We humans are totally ridiculous. We think we've got it all figured out and then we prove ourselves utterly silly once again.

1 comment:

  1. The silly season is a little early this election. First Obama was too black, then he was not black enough, and now Ferraro says that he has an unfair advantage because he's black! Silly season, alright.
