Thursday, March 27, 2008

Right or Wrong?

As we spin and cycle into an increasingly toxic environment of who shot who, and what did he knows when he knew it, and what did she know when she knew it, and who Judas is, who was the betrayer, and drama of all sort, it would do us well to understand that we vote from our hearts first.

We vote with our conscience, supposedly, but many of vote based on selfish ulterior motives. We think, I'm a little guy here. I have my job, my family, maybe my kids, and really, when you boil it all down...I'm scared of losing what I've worked so hard to achieve for myself.

Those who would vote will vote out of fear because fear is such an easy thing to exploit in the human condition. We should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to negotiate.

But we must trust again. We must learn to have faith again. Not blind faith that is rooted in naive optimism, but real faith that we can accomplish together what we could never accomplish by ourselves. Out of one, we are many.

If we say, "forget about your house of cards, and I'll do mine", then that thinking from the inside outwards, rather than the outside inwards does not help matters whatsoever. That's a defensive response that does not move the dialog forward. We must learn to think communally with a common purpose, and not individually with a common set of ulterior motives.

We can make mistakes and we can deal with distracting matters.

As I said, we can do that.

But if we DO.

Then NOTHING will change.

Ten years ahead of time
or about one year behind

Sometimes it tends to get to me
Don't defy the hand

That leads to the light
of renown

It's a battle that won't make
any sound

Either you're with us
Or you're not

Sometimes lately
I just wanna be caught

Right or wrong
We're breaking their hearts again

Wonder what you're
waiting for?

Right or wrong
We're breaking their hearts again

This one's for the girls
There's no particular one in the world
Until I got a glimpse of what could be
Was shocked by what I couldn't foresee

And in spite of the times
I never really wanna come out

You're always with me
when you're not
Lights are up
We're all gonna be caught

Right or wrong
You're breaking our hearts, again

Wonder what you're waiting for?

Right or wrong
You're breaking our hearts

Right or wrong
We're breaking their hearts again

Right or wrong?

Right or wrong?

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