Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Earth to John McCain

You've seen this video before, my apologies. I've been waiting for a while to spring it on the old man. He won't remember and it's not like he reads my blog anyway.

Hey you!
You've been around for
a while.

If you admit that you were

Then we'll admit that
we're right.

h/t Kevin Hayden at The American Street

Obama’s momentum in the Democratic race was apparent in McCain’s remarks, which included criticism of the Illinois senator’s sweeping rhetoric, but no obvious references to Clinton.

“I will fight every moment of every day in this campaign to make sure Americans are not deceived by an eloquent but empty call for change … that promises no more than a holiday from history and a return to the false promises and failed policies of a tired philosophy that trusts in government more than the people,” McCain said - a clear reference to Obama, whose soaring rhetoric has led critics, including McCain, to question whether he’s all style and no substance.

“Our purpose is to keep this blessed country free, safe, prosperous and proud,” McCain added.

He also keyed in on Obama’s statements about foreign policy and his willingness to meet with leaders of rogue nations, painting him as a novice who would put the country in danger.

“Will the next president have the experience?” he asked. “Or will we risk the confused leadership of an inexperienced candidate who once suggested bombing our ally, Pakistan, and suggested sitting down without preconditions or clear purpose with enemies who support terrorists and are intent on destabilizing the world by acquiring nuclear weapons?”

Last August, Obama had said if the United States had actionable intelligence about top terrorist targets in Pakistan and President Pervez Musharraf wouldn’t act, the U.S. would. That pledge set off ripples of resentment in the relationship between Washington and Islamabad, prompting Pakistani officials to warn against U.S. incursions into their country.

Obama’s statement was conditional: if Musharraf wouldn’t act after receiving actionable intelligence, the US would. Musharraf and his forces in this case DID NOT ACT, so the US did. Why is that different than what Obama suggested?

Also, Obama didn’t even cover whether he’d seek permission. But even if he had said he’d seek that first, what would McCain do if Perv said ‘no’? Would McCain let the target get away or bring him down anyway? Presidents make tough choices like that. Clinton did, while missing the targets.

In essence, yes, that’s what McCain said last night: Obama would take out the target, Bush did, and McCain wouldn’t.

And he claims his experience will keep us safer. Really. He said that with a straight face.

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