Thursday, October 11, 2007

World on a String

I'm much more comfortable in this role.

Blue Gal takes her glasses off. I suppose I'll rock out instead.


  1. Very.

    This was really good CK- thanks!

  2. you sound like jack white, but cooler. with acousticness!

    When is said gathering of funtime? I may have to go bisit my father on saturday is why I ask. I haven't been to see him in over a month or home, which is rare for a college freshman. Suffice it to say, I hate most of my family.
    But ill email you! and then let me know when and where the thing is, so that i can have an excuse not to go home.

  3. That was very good CK. I am very impressed although anybody who can really play a guitar and sing impresses me as I can do neither.
