Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Too Little, Too Late

Regular readers of this blog know that I have been clamoring for this for a long time.

So in response, I say this.

Dear Barack,

I hope that you have learned a tough political lesson; namely, the one that states a candidate must go for his opponent's jugular as quickly as possible. Nice guys finish fifth.

Imagine what it could have been like if you hadn't waited to fall a full thirty points behind Hillary Clinton before going on the attack. Now your attacks seem motivated out of desperation rather than out of righteous indignation. If you had reacted this way back during your honeymoon period with voters, imagine where you might stand now in the polls.

Please now allow me a brief five minutes of I-Told-You-So.

P.S. The consolation gift you will now receive is a copy of a book called All The King's Men


  1. they are all too late
    and besides people like Tweety Matthews have already anointed Hillary so no matter what any of them do ---- it will be virtually ignored or marginalized

  2. here from FranIAm's. Nice blog!

    Yesterday morning while listening to the NPR summary of the Dem debate, I was thinking that whatever buzz and magic Obama had a while back, it's all but gone now. He's just one of the pack of irrelevant candidates that's desperately attacking Hillary to try to stay relevant. I don't know if attacking earlier would've helped, but it sure couldn't have hurt. If Edwards had been that popular then, with all his constant attacks on Hillary, he might be better off today.
