Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Few Random Posts

I'm feeling a tad bit better today. Allow me to post on a couple pertinent points.

Another blogger has joined the ranks of ex-Unitarian Universalist.

Interestingly enough, I had a conversation with someone at the Atlanta church about the very issue that has caused him to leave. She was also a Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic faith group. I admit to being ambivalent about political posturing of any kind from the pulpit. Part of me rejoices in the validation of my own viewpoint, and part of me recoils a bit. These are hyper-partisan times but if I wanted to go to a political rally, I'd do so.

Maybe it depends on who is speaking. The minister of the Birmingham church I attended didn't make her sermons political rants. She didn't make them particularly interesting except for once in a blue moon, but that's another topic altogether. It wasn't until I went to the Atlanta church that experienced anything remotely similar.

I think part of it too is that in previous stops along the line, in Methodist and Baptist churches, I often saw overt moralizing but not overt politicizing.

  • Chalice Chick posts about common sense and critical thinking in a time seemingly bereft of both. Good for her.
If none of this thrills you, then you can amuse yourself by listening to the song.


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM CDT

    Hey, that's a pretty good rendition of that song!

  2. I liked it all, but especially the song. You know I luvs me some CK music!
