Saturday, April 07, 2007

Snark of the Day

I must admit that it was quite amusing to catch some of Bill O'Reilly last night.

One of his talking points read something like this.

  • Major mistakes have been made by President Bush. But NBC's biased coverage against him is out of bounds
I thought I'd never see the day Bill O'Reilly admitted that Bush had made major mistakes. Does NBC have any sort of biased opinion against President Bush? I mean, how much worse can it get? Is NBC having it out for President Bush or just not spinning it the way Faux News wants it to read?

If this was the Great Depression, O'Reilly's comments would read something like this.

  • 35% of people are out of work. Our economy is in shambles. Poverty is at an all time high. But how dare anyone in the media point this out?
If it weren't so tragic, it would be laughable.

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