Monday, April 16, 2007

Hatred and Violence

The Virgina Tech shooting reveals a deep scar within this society.

What has caused such anger? What must be done to heal the wounds that go far beyond someone willing to kill 25 + people?

We've always been a violent people but clearly something is making certain people snap. Are they the miner's canary, predicting more violence?

What are the roots of this anger? How do we stop it?

The answer lies in love, not in hate. That's one of the oldest cliches in the book, but it applies to this situation.


  1. I think it's too much to ask to wish for the love/hate score in the U.S. to be

    Love: 300,000,000
    Hate: 0

    Some people just snap. Not everyone is loving. Some would argue that there are people who are intrinsically evil. (Didn't M. Scott Peck argue that in People of the Lie?)

  2. I think there is an inherent spark of goodness in all people.

    Hence the reason the soldier will seek out his wounded enemy comrade and give him water.

    I'm torn on this idea of good versus evil.
