Sunday, March 04, 2007

German Cafe, Stone Mountain

We lived
five years
in two months.

Probably not a good sign
(A mistake on both our parts)

I remember the Frau
Some recent immigrant
Barely spoke English
Who took our order

I ordered something
heavily starchy as is my habit
Something eggs and potatoes and cheese

I started out the window
The aging cemetery
The historical marker
Some long ago Civil War event

Day after Christmas
Decorations still up
Still yet to be removed.

Our first real fight
Still present in my mind
Two days prior

We had quarreled over
Words I should not have spoken
Should have thought instead

Your Scorpian jealousy
Your insecurity
Your baggage from trust
or lack thereof

You accused
you lost your temper

Alll seemed to be forgotten
Two days hence

The trip to visit
My kinfolks' property
Long ago planned

Long since sold
The natives say "transitioned"
It's PC for "gone black"

I remember thinking
ugliness in color
black and white photography beauty

the scenery washed out
reminding of third world poverty
(which it is)

The visit was to appease
My father who wanted to know

Had ten years in the past
Plotted it out on surveyor's maps

Always wanted to explore
And you loving me,

The day was cold
Overcast and gloomy
Threatening snow

We drove and drove
Passed weed-covered
ill-kept resting places
of the dead.

Your macabre fascination with
ghosts slightly off-putting

Fascinating places
Peaceful and tranquil

But I'm not sure I'd want to
know the spirits there

-4 February 2007

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